On this pagestdStorageSafe Git Source State Variables vm Vm private constant vm = Vm(address(uint160(uint256(keccak256("hevm cheat code"))))); UINT256_MAX uint256 constant UINT256_MAX = 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935; Functions sigs function sigs(string memory sigStr) internal pure returns (bytes4); getCallParams function getCallParams(StdStorage storage self) internal view returns (bytes memory); callTarget function callTarget(StdStorage storage self) internal view returns (bool, bytes32); checkSlotMutatesCall function checkSlotMutatesCall(StdStorage storage self, bytes32 slot) internal returns (bool); findOffset function findOffset(StdStorage storage self, bytes32 slot, bool left) internal returns (bool, uint256); findOffsets function findOffsets(StdStorage storage self, bytes32 slot) internal returns (bool, uint256, uint256); find function find(StdStorage storage self) internal returns (FindData storage); find find an arbitrary storage slot given a function sig, input data, address of the contract and a value to check against function find(StdStorage storage self, bool _clear) internal returns (FindData storage); target function target(StdStorage storage self, address _target) internal returns (StdStorage storage); sig function sig(StdStorage storage self, bytes4 _sig) internal returns (StdStorage storage); sig function sig(StdStorage storage self, string memory _sig) internal returns (StdStorage storage); with_calldata function with_calldata(StdStorage storage self, bytes memory _calldata) internal returns (StdStorage storage); with_key function with_key(StdStorage storage self, address who) internal returns (StdStorage storage); with_key function with_key(StdStorage storage self, uint256 amt) internal returns (StdStorage storage); with_key function with_key(StdStorage storage self, bytes32 key) internal returns (StdStorage storage); enable_packed_slots function enable_packed_slots(StdStorage storage self) internal returns (StdStorage storage); depth function depth(StdStorage storage self, uint256 _depth) internal returns (StdStorage storage); read function read(StdStorage storage self) private returns (bytes memory); read_bytes32 function read_bytes32(StdStorage storage self) internal returns (bytes32); read_bool function read_bool(StdStorage storage self) internal returns (bool); read_address function read_address(StdStorage storage self) internal returns (address); read_uint function read_uint(StdStorage storage self) internal returns (uint256); read_int function read_int(StdStorage storage self) internal returns (int256); parent function parent(StdStorage storage self) internal returns (uint256, bytes32); root function root(StdStorage storage self) internal returns (uint256); bytesToBytes32 function bytesToBytes32(bytes memory b, uint256 offset) private pure returns (bytes32); flatten function flatten(bytes32[] memory b) private pure returns (bytes memory); clear function clear(StdStorage storage self) internal; getMaskByOffsets function getMaskByOffsets(uint256 offsetLeft, uint256 offsetRight) internal pure returns (uint256 mask); getUpdatedSlotValue function getUpdatedSlotValue(bytes32 curValue, uint256 varValue, uint256 offsetLeft, uint256 offsetRight) internal pure returns (bytes32 newValue); Events SlotFound event SlotFound(address who, bytes4 fsig, bytes32 keysHash, uint256 slot); WARNING_UninitedSlot event WARNING_UninitedSlot(address who, uint256 slot);