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The VmSafe interface does not allow manipulation of the EVM state or other actions that may result in Script simulations differing from on-chain execution. It is recommended to only use these cheats in scripts.



Derives a private key from the name, labels the account with that name, and returns the wallet.

function createWallet(string calldata walletLabel) external returns (Wallet memory wallet);


Generates a wallet from the private key and returns the wallet.

function createWallet(uint256 privateKey) external returns (Wallet memory wallet);


Generates a wallet from the private key, labels the account with that name, and returns the wallet.

function createWallet(uint256 privateKey, string calldata walletLabel) external returns (Wallet memory wallet);


Derive a private key from a provided mnenomic string (or mnenomic file path) at the derivation path m/44'/60'/0'/0/{index}.

function deriveKey(string calldata mnemonic, uint32 index) external pure returns (uint256 privateKey);


Derive a private key from a provided mnenomic string (or mnenomic file path) at {derivationPath}{index}.

function deriveKey(string calldata mnemonic, string calldata derivationPath, uint32 index)
returns (uint256 privateKey);


Derive a private key from a provided mnenomic string (or mnenomic file path) in the specified language at the derivation path m/44'/60'/0'/0/{index}.

function deriveKey(string calldata mnemonic, uint32 index, string calldata language)
returns (uint256 privateKey);


Derive a private key from a provided mnenomic string (or mnenomic file path) in the specified language at {derivationPath}{index}.

function deriveKey(string calldata mnemonic, string calldata derivationPath, uint32 index, string calldata language)
returns (uint256 privateKey);


Derives secp256r1 public key from the provided privateKey.

function publicKeyP256(uint256 privateKey) external pure returns (uint256 publicKeyX, uint256 publicKeyY);


Adds a private key to the local forge wallet and returns the address.

function rememberKey(uint256 privateKey) external returns (address keyAddr);


Signs data with a Wallet. Returns a compact signature (r, vs) as per EIP-2098, where vs encodes both the signature's s value, and the recovery id v in a single bytes32. This format reduces the signature size from 65 to 64 bytes.

function signCompact(Wallet calldata wallet, bytes32 digest) external returns (bytes32 r, bytes32 vs);


Signs digest with privateKey using the secp256k1 curve. Returns a compact signature (r, vs) as per EIP-2098, where vs encodes both the signature's s value, and the recovery id v in a single bytes32. This format reduces the signature size from 65 to 64 bytes.

function signCompact(uint256 privateKey, bytes32 digest) external pure returns (bytes32 r, bytes32 vs);


Signs digest with signer provided to script using the secp256k1 curve. Returns a compact signature (r, vs) as per EIP-2098, where vs encodes both the signature's s value, and the recovery id v in a single bytes32. This format reduces the signature size from 65 to 64 bytes. If --sender is provided, the signer with provided address is used, otherwise, if exactly one signer is provided to the script, that signer is used. Raises error if signer passed through --sender does not match any unlocked signers or if --sender is not provided and not exactly one signer is passed to the script.

function signCompact(bytes32 digest) external pure returns (bytes32 r, bytes32 vs);


Signs digest with signer provided to script using the secp256k1 curve. Returns a compact signature (r, vs) as per EIP-2098, where vs encodes both the signature's s value, and the recovery id v in a single bytes32. This format reduces the signature size from 65 to 64 bytes. Raises error if none of the signers passed into the script have provided address.

function signCompact(address signer, bytes32 digest) external pure returns (bytes32 r, bytes32 vs);


Signs digest with privateKey using the secp256r1 curve.

function signP256(uint256 privateKey, bytes32 digest) external pure returns (bytes32 r, bytes32 s);


Signs data with a Wallet.

function sign(Wallet calldata wallet, bytes32 digest) external returns (uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s);


Signs digest with privateKey using the secp256k1 curve.

function sign(uint256 privateKey, bytes32 digest) external pure returns (uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s);


Signs digest with signer provided to script using the secp256k1 curve. If --sender is provided, the signer with provided address is used, otherwise, if exactly one signer is provided to the script, that signer is used. Raises error if signer passed through --sender does not match any unlocked signers or if --sender is not provided and not exactly one signer is passed to the script.

function sign(bytes32 digest) external pure returns (uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s);


Signs digest with signer provided to script using the secp256k1 curve. Raises error if none of the signers passed into the script have provided address.

function sign(address signer, bytes32 digest) external pure returns (uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s);


Gets the environment variable name and parses it as address. Reverts if the variable was not found or could not be parsed.

function envAddress(string calldata name) external view returns (address value);


Gets the environment variable name and parses it as an array of address, delimited by delim. Reverts if the variable was not found or could not be parsed.

function envAddress(string calldata name, string calldata delim) external view returns (address[] memory value);


Gets the environment variable name and parses it as bool. Reverts if the variable was not found or could not be parsed.

function envBool(string calldata name) external view returns (bool value);


Gets the environment variable name and parses it as an array of bool, delimited by delim. Reverts if the variable was not found or could not be parsed.

function envBool(string calldata name, string calldata delim) external view returns (bool[] memory value);


Gets the environment variable name and parses it as bytes32. Reverts if the variable was not found or could not be parsed.

function envBytes32(string calldata name) external view returns (bytes32 value);


Gets the environment variable name and parses it as an array of bytes32, delimited by delim. Reverts if the variable was not found or could not be parsed.

function envBytes32(string calldata name, string calldata delim) external view returns (bytes32[] memory value);


Gets the environment variable name and parses it as bytes. Reverts if the variable was not found or could not be parsed.

function envBytes(string calldata name) external view returns (bytes memory value);


Gets the environment variable name and parses it as an array of bytes, delimited by delim. Reverts if the variable was not found or could not be parsed.

function envBytes(string calldata name, string calldata delim) external view returns (bytes[] memory value);


Gets the environment variable name and returns true if it exists, else returns false.

function envExists(string calldata name) external view returns (bool result);


Gets the environment variable name and parses it as int256. Reverts if the variable was not found or could not be parsed.

function envInt(string calldata name) external view returns (int256 value);


Gets the environment variable name and parses it as an array of int256, delimited by delim. Reverts if the variable was not found or could not be parsed.

function envInt(string calldata name, string calldata delim) external view returns (int256[] memory value);


Gets the environment variable name and parses it as bool. Reverts if the variable could not be parsed. Returns defaultValue if the variable was not found.

function envOr(string calldata name, bool defaultValue) external view returns (bool value);


Gets the environment variable name and parses it as uint256. Reverts if the variable could not be parsed. Returns defaultValue if the variable was not found.

function envOr(string calldata name, uint256 defaultValue) external view returns (uint256 value);


Gets the environment variable name and parses it as an array of address, delimited by delim. Reverts if the variable could not be parsed. Returns defaultValue if the variable was not found.

function envOr(string calldata name, string calldata delim, address[] calldata defaultValue)
returns (address[] memory value);


Gets the environment variable name and parses it as an array of bytes32, delimited by delim. Reverts if the variable could not be parsed. Returns defaultValue if the variable was not found.

function envOr(string calldata name, string calldata delim, bytes32[] calldata defaultValue)
returns (bytes32[] memory value);


Gets the environment variable name and parses it as an array of string, delimited by delim. Reverts if the variable could not be parsed. Returns defaultValue if the variable was not found.

function envOr(string calldata name, string calldata delim, string[] calldata defaultValue)
returns (string[] memory value);


Gets the environment variable name and parses it as an array of bytes, delimited by delim. Reverts if the variable could not be parsed. Returns defaultValue if the variable was not found.

function envOr(string calldata name, string calldata delim, bytes[] calldata defaultValue)
returns (bytes[] memory value);


Gets the environment variable name and parses it as int256. Reverts if the variable could not be parsed. Returns defaultValue if the variable was not found.

function envOr(string calldata name, int256 defaultValue) external view returns (int256 value);


Gets the environment variable name and parses it as address. Reverts if the variable could not be parsed. Returns defaultValue if the variable was not found.

function envOr(string calldata name, address defaultValue) external view returns (address value);


Gets the environment variable name and parses it as bytes32. Reverts if the variable could not be parsed. Returns defaultValue if the variable was not found.

function envOr(string calldata name, bytes32 defaultValue) external view returns (bytes32 value);


Gets the environment variable name and parses it as string. Reverts if the variable could not be parsed. Returns defaultValue if the variable was not found.

function envOr(string calldata name, string calldata defaultValue) external view returns (string memory value);


Gets the environment variable name and parses it as bytes. Reverts if the variable could not be parsed. Returns defaultValue if the variable was not found.

function envOr(string calldata name, bytes calldata defaultValue) external view returns (bytes memory value);


Gets the environment variable name and parses it as an array of bool, delimited by delim. Reverts if the variable could not be parsed. Returns defaultValue if the variable was not found.

function envOr(string calldata name, string calldata delim, bool[] calldata defaultValue)
returns (bool[] memory value);


Gets the environment variable name and parses it as an array of uint256, delimited by delim. Reverts if the variable could not be parsed. Returns defaultValue if the variable was not found.

function envOr(string calldata name, string calldata delim, uint256[] calldata defaultValue)
returns (uint256[] memory value);


Gets the environment variable name and parses it as an array of int256, delimited by delim. Reverts if the variable could not be parsed. Returns defaultValue if the variable was not found.

function envOr(string calldata name, string calldata delim, int256[] calldata defaultValue)
returns (int256[] memory value);


Gets the environment variable name and parses it as string. Reverts if the variable was not found or could not be parsed.

function envString(string calldata name) external view returns (string memory value);


Gets the environment variable name and parses it as an array of string, delimited by delim. Reverts if the variable was not found or could not be parsed.

function envString(string calldata name, string calldata delim) external view returns (string[] memory value);


Gets the environment variable name and parses it as uint256. Reverts if the variable was not found or could not be parsed.

function envUint(string calldata name) external view returns (uint256 value);


Gets the environment variable name and parses it as an array of uint256, delimited by delim. Reverts if the variable was not found or could not be parsed.

function envUint(string calldata name, string calldata delim) external view returns (uint256[] memory value);


Returns true if forge command was executed in given context.

function isContext(ForgeContext context) external view returns (bool result);


Sets environment variables.

function setEnv(string calldata name, string calldata value) external;


Gets all accessed reads and write slot from a vm.record session, for a given address.

function accesses(address target) external returns (bytes32[] memory readSlots, bytes32[] memory writeSlots);


Gets the address for a given private key.

function addr(uint256 privateKey) external pure returns (address keyAddr);


Gets all the logs according to specified filter.

function eth_getLogs(uint256 fromBlock, uint256 toBlock, address target, bytes32[] calldata topics)
returns (EthGetLogs[] memory logs);


Gets the current block.blobbasefee. You should use this instead of block.blobbasefee if you use vm.blobBaseFee, as block.blobbasefee is assumed to be constant across a transaction, and as a result will get optimized out by the compiler. See

function getBlobBaseFee() external view returns (uint256 blobBaseFee);


Gets the current block.number. You should use this instead of block.number if you use vm.roll, as block.number is assumed to be constant across a transaction, and as a result will get optimized out by the compiler. See

function getBlockNumber() external view returns (uint256 height);


Gets the current block.timestamp. You should use this instead of block.timestamp if you use vm.warp, as block.timestamp is assumed to be constant across a transaction, and as a result will get optimized out by the compiler. See

function getBlockTimestamp() external view returns (uint256 timestamp);


Gets the map key and parent of a mapping at a given slot, for a given address.

function getMappingKeyAndParentOf(address target, bytes32 elementSlot)
returns (bool found, bytes32 key, bytes32 parent);


Gets the number of elements in the mapping at the given slot, for a given address.

function getMappingLength(address target, bytes32 mappingSlot) external returns (uint256 length);


Gets the elements at index idx of the mapping at the given slot, for a given address. The index must be less than the length of the mapping (i.e. the number of keys in the mapping).

function getMappingSlotAt(address target, bytes32 mappingSlot, uint256 idx) external returns (bytes32 value);


Gets the nonce of an account.

function getNonce(address account) external view returns (uint64 nonce);


Get the nonce of a Wallet.

function getNonce(Wallet calldata wallet) external returns (uint64 nonce);


Gets all the recorded logs.

function getRecordedLogs() external returns (Log[] memory logs);


Gets the gas used in the last call.

function lastCallGas() external view returns (Gas memory gas);


Loads a storage slot from an address.

function load(address target, bytes32 slot) external view returns (bytes32 data);


Pauses gas metering (i.e. gas usage is not counted). Noop if already paused.

function pauseGasMetering() external;


Records all storage reads and writes.

function record() external;


Record all the transaction logs.

function recordLogs() external;


Reset gas metering (i.e. gas usage is set to gas limit).

function resetGasMetering() external;


Resumes gas metering (i.e. gas usage is counted again). Noop if already on.

function resumeGasMetering() external;


Performs an Ethereum JSON-RPC request to the current fork URL.

function rpc(string calldata method, string calldata params) external returns (bytes memory data);


Performs an Ethereum JSON-RPC request to the given endpoint.

function rpc(string calldata urlOrAlias, string calldata method, string calldata params)
returns (bytes memory data);


Starts recording all map SSTOREs for later retrieval.

function startMappingRecording() external;


Record all account accesses as part of CREATE, CALL or SELFDESTRUCT opcodes in order, along with the context of the calls

function startStateDiffRecording() external;


Returns an ordered array of all account accesses from a vm.startStateDiffRecording session.

function stopAndReturnStateDiff() external returns (AccountAccess[] memory accountAccesses);


Stops recording all map SSTOREs for later retrieval and clears the recorded data.

function stopMappingRecording() external;


Closes file for reading, resetting the offset and allowing to read it from beginning with readLine. path is relative to the project root.

function closeFile(string calldata path) external;


Copies the contents of one file to another. This function will overwrite the contents of to. On success, the total number of bytes copied is returned and it is equal to the length of the to file as reported by metadata. Both from and to are relative to the project root.

function copyFile(string calldata from, string calldata to) external returns (uint64 copied);


Creates a new, empty directory at the provided path. This cheatcode will revert in the following situations, but is not limited to just these cases:

  • User lacks permissions to modify path.
  • A parent of the given path doesn't exist and recursive is false.
  • path already exists and recursive is false. path is relative to the project root.
function createDir(string calldata path, bool recursive) external;


Deploys a contract from an artifact file. Takes in the relative path to the json file or the path to the artifact in the form of :: where and parts are optional.

function deployCode(string calldata artifactPath) external returns (address deployedAddress);


Deploys a contract from an artifact file. Takes in the relative path to the json file or the path to the artifact in the form of :: where and parts are optional. Additionaly accepts abi-encoded constructor arguments.

function deployCode(string calldata artifactPath, bytes calldata constructorArgs)
returns (address deployedAddress);


Returns true if the given path points to an existing entity, else returns false.

function exists(string calldata path) external returns (bool result);


Performs a foreign function call via the terminal.

function ffi(string[] calldata commandInput) external returns (bytes memory result);


Given a path, query the file system to get information about a file, directory, etc.

function fsMetadata(string calldata path) external view returns (FsMetadata memory metadata);


Gets the creation bytecode from an artifact file. Takes in the relative path to the json file or the path to the artifact in the form of :: where and parts are optional.

function getCode(string calldata artifactPath) external view returns (bytes memory creationBytecode);


Gets the deployed bytecode from an artifact file. Takes in the relative path to the json file or the path to the artifact in the form of :: where and parts are optional.

function getDeployedCode(string calldata artifactPath) external view returns (bytes memory runtimeBytecode);


Returns true if the path exists on disk and is pointing at a directory, else returns false.

function isDir(string calldata path) external returns (bool result);


Returns true if the path exists on disk and is pointing at a regular file, else returns false.

function isFile(string calldata path) external returns (bool result);


Get the path of the current project root.

function projectRoot() external view returns (string memory path);


Prompts the user for a string value in the terminal.

function prompt(string calldata promptText) external returns (string memory input);


Prompts the user for an address in the terminal.

function promptAddress(string calldata promptText) external returns (address);


Prompts the user for a hidden string value in the terminal.

function promptSecret(string calldata promptText) external returns (string memory input);


Prompts the user for hidden uint256 in the terminal (usually pk).

function promptSecretUint(string calldata promptText) external returns (uint256);


Prompts the user for uint256 in the terminal.

function promptUint(string calldata promptText) external returns (uint256);


Reads the directory at the given path recursively, up to maxDepth. maxDepth defaults to 1, meaning only the direct children of the given directory will be returned. Follows symbolic links if followLinks is true.

function readDir(string calldata path) external view returns (DirEntry[] memory entries);


See readDir(string).

function readDir(string calldata path, uint64 maxDepth) external view returns (DirEntry[] memory entries);


See readDir(string).

function readDir(string calldata path, uint64 maxDepth, bool followLinks)
returns (DirEntry[] memory entries);


Reads the entire content of file to string. path is relative to the project root.

function readFile(string calldata path) external view returns (string memory data);


Reads the entire content of file as binary. path is relative to the project root.

function readFileBinary(string calldata path) external view returns (bytes memory data);


Reads next line of file to string.

function readLine(string calldata path) external view returns (string memory line);

Reads a symbolic link, returning the path that the link points to. This cheatcode will revert in the following situations, but is not limited to just these cases:

  • path is not a symbolic link.
  • path does not exist.
function readLink(string calldata linkPath) external view returns (string memory targetPath);


Removes a directory at the provided path. This cheatcode will revert in the following situations, but is not limited to just these cases:

  • path doesn't exist.
  • path isn't a directory.
  • User lacks permissions to modify path.
  • The directory is not empty and recursive is false. path is relative to the project root.
function removeDir(string calldata path, bool recursive) external;


Removes a file from the filesystem. This cheatcode will revert in the following situations, but is not limited to just these cases:

  • path points to a directory.
  • The file doesn't exist.
  • The user lacks permissions to remove the file. path is relative to the project root.
function removeFile(string calldata path) external;


Performs a foreign function call via terminal and returns the exit code, stdout, and stderr.

function tryFfi(string[] calldata commandInput) external returns (FfiResult memory result);


Returns the time since unix epoch in milliseconds.

function unixTime() external returns (uint256 milliseconds);


Writes data to file, creating a file if it does not exist, and entirely replacing its contents if it does. path is relative to the project root.

function writeFile(string calldata path, string calldata data) external;


Writes binary data to a file, creating a file if it does not exist, and entirely replacing its contents if it does. path is relative to the project root.

function writeFileBinary(string calldata path, bytes calldata data) external;


Writes line to file, creating a file if it does not exist. path is relative to the project root.

function writeLine(string calldata path, string calldata data) external;


Checks if key exists in a JSON object keyExists is being deprecated in favor of keyExistsJson. It will be removed in future versions.

function keyExists(string calldata json, string calldata key) external view returns (bool);


Checks if key exists in a JSON object.

function keyExistsJson(string calldata json, string calldata key) external view returns (bool);


Parses a string of JSON data at key and coerces it to address.

function parseJsonAddress(string calldata json, string calldata key) external pure returns (address);


Parses a string of JSON data at key and coerces it to address[].

function parseJsonAddressArray(string calldata json, string calldata key) external pure returns (address[] memory);


Parses a string of JSON data at key and coerces it to bool.

function parseJsonBool(string calldata json, string calldata key) external pure returns (bool);


Parses a string of JSON data at key and coerces it to bool[].

function parseJsonBoolArray(string calldata json, string calldata key) external pure returns (bool[] memory);


Parses a string of JSON data at key and coerces it to bytes.

function parseJsonBytes(string calldata json, string calldata key) external pure returns (bytes memory);


Parses a string of JSON data at key and coerces it to bytes32.

function parseJsonBytes32(string calldata json, string calldata key) external pure returns (bytes32);


Parses a string of JSON data at key and coerces it to bytes32[].

function parseJsonBytes32Array(string calldata json, string calldata key) external pure returns (bytes32[] memory);


Parses a string of JSON data at key and coerces it to bytes[].

function parseJsonBytesArray(string calldata json, string calldata key) external pure returns (bytes[] memory);


Parses a string of JSON data at key and coerces it to int256.

function parseJsonInt(string calldata json, string calldata key) external pure returns (int256);


Parses a string of JSON data at key and coerces it to int256[].

function parseJsonIntArray(string calldata json, string calldata key) external pure returns (int256[] memory);


Returns an array of all the keys in a JSON object.

function parseJsonKeys(string calldata json, string calldata key) external pure returns (string[] memory keys);


Parses a string of JSON data at key and coerces it to string.

function parseJsonString(string calldata json, string calldata key) external pure returns (string memory);


Parses a string of JSON data at key and coerces it to string[].

function parseJsonStringArray(string calldata json, string calldata key) external pure returns (string[] memory);


Parses a string of JSON data at key and coerces it to type array corresponding to typeDescription.

function parseJsonTypeArray(string calldata json, string calldata key, string calldata typeDescription)
returns (bytes memory);


Parses a string of JSON data and coerces it to type corresponding to typeDescription.

function parseJsonType(string calldata json, string calldata typeDescription) external pure returns (bytes memory);


Parses a string of JSON data at key and coerces it to type corresponding to typeDescription.

function parseJsonType(string calldata json, string calldata key, string calldata typeDescription)
returns (bytes memory);


Parses a string of JSON data at key and coerces it to uint256.

function parseJsonUint(string calldata json, string calldata key) external pure returns (uint256);


Parses a string of JSON data at key and coerces it to uint256[].

function parseJsonUintArray(string calldata json, string calldata key) external pure returns (uint256[] memory);


ABI-encodes a JSON object.

function parseJson(string calldata json) external pure returns (bytes memory abiEncodedData);


ABI-encodes a JSON object at key.

function parseJson(string calldata json, string calldata key) external pure returns (bytes memory abiEncodedData);


See serializeJson.

function serializeAddress(string calldata objectKey, string calldata valueKey, address value)
returns (string memory json);


See serializeJson.

function serializeAddress(string calldata objectKey, string calldata valueKey, address[] calldata values)
returns (string memory json);


See serializeJson.

function serializeBool(string calldata objectKey, string calldata valueKey, bool value)
returns (string memory json);


See serializeJson.

function serializeBool(string calldata objectKey, string calldata valueKey, bool[] calldata values)
returns (string memory json);


See serializeJson.

function serializeBytes32(string calldata objectKey, string calldata valueKey, bytes32 value)
returns (string memory json);


See serializeJson.

function serializeBytes32(string calldata objectKey, string calldata valueKey, bytes32[] calldata values)
returns (string memory json);


See serializeJson.

function serializeBytes(string calldata objectKey, string calldata valueKey, bytes calldata value)
returns (string memory json);


See serializeJson.

function serializeBytes(string calldata objectKey, string calldata valueKey, bytes[] calldata values)
returns (string memory json);


See serializeJson.

function serializeInt(string calldata objectKey, string calldata valueKey, int256 value)
returns (string memory json);


See serializeJson.

function serializeInt(string calldata objectKey, string calldata valueKey, int256[] calldata values)
returns (string memory json);


Serializes a key and value to a JSON object stored in-memory that can be later written to a file. Returns the stringified version of the specific JSON file up to that moment.

function serializeJson(string calldata objectKey, string calldata value) external returns (string memory json);


See serializeJson.

function serializeJsonType(string calldata typeDescription, bytes calldata value)
returns (string memory json);


See serializeJson.

function serializeJsonType(
string calldata objectKey,
string calldata valueKey,
string calldata typeDescription,
bytes calldata value
) external returns (string memory json);


See serializeJson.

function serializeString(string calldata objectKey, string calldata valueKey, string calldata value)
returns (string memory json);


See serializeJson.

function serializeString(string calldata objectKey, string calldata valueKey, string[] calldata values)
returns (string memory json);


See serializeJson.

function serializeUintToHex(string calldata objectKey, string calldata valueKey, uint256 value)
returns (string memory json);


See serializeJson.

function serializeUint(string calldata objectKey, string calldata valueKey, uint256 value)
returns (string memory json);


See serializeJson.

function serializeUint(string calldata objectKey, string calldata valueKey, uint256[] calldata values)
returns (string memory json);


Write a serialized JSON object to a file. If the file exists, it will be overwritten.

function writeJson(string calldata json, string calldata path) external;


Write a serialized JSON object to an existing JSON file, replacing a value with key = <value_key.> This is useful to replace a specific value of a JSON file, without having to parse the entire thing.

function writeJson(string calldata json, string calldata path, string calldata valueKey) external;


Takes a signed transaction and broadcasts it to the network.

function broadcastRawTransaction(bytes calldata data) external;


Has the next call (at this call depth only) create transactions that can later be signed and sent onchain. Broadcasting address is determined by checking the following in order:

  1. If --sender argument was provided, that address is used.
  2. If exactly one signer (e.g. private key, hw wallet, keystore) is set when forge broadcast is invoked, that signer is used.
  3. Otherwise, default foundry sender (1804c8AB1F12E6bbf3894d4083f33e07309d1f38) is used.
function broadcast() external;


Has the next call (at this call depth only) create a transaction with the address provided as the sender that can later be signed and sent onchain.

function broadcast(address signer) external;


Has the next call (at this call depth only) create a transaction with the private key provided as the sender that can later be signed and sent onchain.

function broadcast(uint256 privateKey) external;


Has all subsequent calls (at this call depth only) create transactions that can later be signed and sent onchain. Broadcasting address is determined by checking the following in order:

  1. If --sender argument was provided, that address is used.
  2. If exactly one signer (e.g. private key, hw wallet, keystore) is set when forge broadcast is invoked, that signer is used.
  3. Otherwise, default foundry sender (1804c8AB1F12E6bbf3894d4083f33e07309d1f38) is used.
function startBroadcast() external;


Has all subsequent calls (at this call depth only) create transactions with the address provided that can later be signed and sent onchain.

function startBroadcast(address signer) external;


Has all subsequent calls (at this call depth only) create transactions with the private key provided that can later be signed and sent onchain.

function startBroadcast(uint256 privateKey) external;


Stops collecting onchain transactions.

function stopBroadcast() external;


Returns the index of the first occurrence of a key in an input string. Returns NOT_FOUND (i.e. type(uint256).max) if the key is not found. Returns 0 in case of an empty key.

function indexOf(string calldata input, string calldata key) external pure returns (uint256);


Parses the given string into an address.

function parseAddress(string calldata stringifiedValue) external pure returns (address parsedValue);


Parses the given string into a bool.

function parseBool(string calldata stringifiedValue) external pure returns (bool parsedValue);


Parses the given string into bytes.

function parseBytes(string calldata stringifiedValue) external pure returns (bytes memory parsedValue);


Parses the given string into a bytes32.

function parseBytes32(string calldata stringifiedValue) external pure returns (bytes32 parsedValue);


Parses the given string into a int256.

function parseInt(string calldata stringifiedValue) external pure returns (int256 parsedValue);


Parses the given string into a uint256.

function parseUint(string calldata stringifiedValue) external pure returns (uint256 parsedValue);


Replaces occurrences of from in the given string with to.

function replace(string calldata input, string calldata from, string calldata to)
returns (string memory output);


Splits the given string into an array of strings divided by the delimiter.

function split(string calldata input, string calldata delimiter) external pure returns (string[] memory outputs);


Converts the given string value to Lowercase.

function toLowercase(string calldata input) external pure returns (string memory output);


Converts the given value to a string.

function toString(address value) external pure returns (string memory stringifiedValue);


Converts the given value to a string.

function toString(bytes calldata value) external pure returns (string memory stringifiedValue);


Converts the given value to a string.

function toString(bytes32 value) external pure returns (string memory stringifiedValue);


Converts the given value to a string.

function toString(bool value) external pure returns (string memory stringifiedValue);


Converts the given value to a string.

function toString(uint256 value) external pure returns (string memory stringifiedValue);


Converts the given value to a string.

function toString(int256 value) external pure returns (string memory stringifiedValue);


Converts the given string value to Uppercase.

function toUppercase(string calldata input) external pure returns (string memory output);


Trims leading and trailing whitespace from the given string value.

function trim(string calldata input) external pure returns (string memory output);


Compares two uint256 values. Expects difference to be less than or equal to maxDelta. Formats values with decimals in failure message.

function assertApproxEqAbsDecimal(uint256 left, uint256 right, uint256 maxDelta, uint256 decimals) external pure;


Compares two uint256 values. Expects difference to be less than or equal to maxDelta. Formats values with decimals in failure message. Includes error message into revert string on failure.

function assertApproxEqAbsDecimal(
uint256 left,
uint256 right,
uint256 maxDelta,
uint256 decimals,
string calldata error
) external pure;


Compares two int256 values. Expects difference to be less than or equal to maxDelta. Formats values with decimals in failure message.

function assertApproxEqAbsDecimal(int256 left, int256 right, uint256 maxDelta, uint256 decimals) external pure;


Compares two int256 values. Expects difference to be less than or equal to maxDelta. Formats values with decimals in failure message. Includes error message into revert string on failure.

function assertApproxEqAbsDecimal(int256 left, int256 right, uint256 maxDelta, uint256 decimals, string calldata error)


Compares two uint256 values. Expects difference to be less than or equal to maxDelta.

function assertApproxEqAbs(uint256 left, uint256 right, uint256 maxDelta) external pure;


Compares two uint256 values. Expects difference to be less than or equal to maxDelta. Includes error message into revert string on failure.

function assertApproxEqAbs(uint256 left, uint256 right, uint256 maxDelta, string calldata error) external pure;


Compares two int256 values. Expects difference to be less than or equal to maxDelta.

function assertApproxEqAbs(int256 left, int256 right, uint256 maxDelta) external pure;


Compares two int256 values. Expects difference to be less than or equal to maxDelta. Includes error message into revert string on failure.

function assertApproxEqAbs(int256 left, int256 right, uint256 maxDelta, string calldata error) external pure;


Compares two uint256 values. Expects relative difference in percents to be less than or equal to maxPercentDelta. maxPercentDelta is an 18 decimal fixed point number, where 1e18 == 100% Formats values with decimals in failure message.

function assertApproxEqRelDecimal(uint256 left, uint256 right, uint256 maxPercentDelta, uint256 decimals)


Compares two uint256 values. Expects relative difference in percents to be less than or equal to maxPercentDelta. maxPercentDelta is an 18 decimal fixed point number, where 1e18 == 100% Formats values with decimals in failure message. Includes error message into revert string on failure.

function assertApproxEqRelDecimal(
uint256 left,
uint256 right,
uint256 maxPercentDelta,
uint256 decimals,
string calldata error
) external pure;


Compares two int256 values. Expects relative difference in percents to be less than or equal to maxPercentDelta. maxPercentDelta is an 18 decimal fixed point number, where 1e18 == 100% Formats values with decimals in failure message.

function assertApproxEqRelDecimal(int256 left, int256 right, uint256 maxPercentDelta, uint256 decimals) external pure;


Compares two int256 values. Expects relative difference in percents to be less than or equal to maxPercentDelta. maxPercentDelta is an 18 decimal fixed point number, where 1e18 == 100% Formats values with decimals in failure message. Includes error message into revert string on failure.

function assertApproxEqRelDecimal(
int256 left,
int256 right,
uint256 maxPercentDelta,
uint256 decimals,
string calldata error
) external pure;


Compares two uint256 values. Expects relative difference in percents to be less than or equal to maxPercentDelta. maxPercentDelta is an 18 decimal fixed point number, where 1e18 == 100%

function assertApproxEqRel(uint256 left, uint256 right, uint256 maxPercentDelta) external pure;


Compares two uint256 values. Expects relative difference in percents to be less than or equal to maxPercentDelta. maxPercentDelta is an 18 decimal fixed point number, where 1e18 == 100% Includes error message into revert string on failure.

function assertApproxEqRel(uint256 left, uint256 right, uint256 maxPercentDelta, string calldata error) external pure;


Compares two int256 values. Expects relative difference in percents to be less than or equal to maxPercentDelta. maxPercentDelta is an 18 decimal fixed point number, where 1e18 == 100%

function assertApproxEqRel(int256 left, int256 right, uint256 maxPercentDelta) external pure;


Compares two int256 values. Expects relative difference in percents to be less than or equal to maxPercentDelta. maxPercentDelta is an 18 decimal fixed point number, where 1e18 == 100% Includes error message into revert string on failure.

function assertApproxEqRel(int256 left, int256 right, uint256 maxPercentDelta, string calldata error) external pure;


Asserts that two uint256 values are equal, formatting them with decimals in failure message.

function assertEqDecimal(uint256 left, uint256 right, uint256 decimals) external pure;


Asserts that two uint256 values are equal, formatting them with decimals in failure message. Includes error message into revert string on failure.

function assertEqDecimal(uint256 left, uint256 right, uint256 decimals, string calldata error) external pure;


Asserts that two int256 values are equal, formatting them with decimals in failure message.

function assertEqDecimal(int256 left, int256 right, uint256 decimals) external pure;


Asserts that two int256 values are equal, formatting them with decimals in failure message. Includes error message into revert string on failure.

function assertEqDecimal(int256 left, int256 right, uint256 decimals, string calldata error) external pure;


Asserts that two bool values are equal.

function assertEq(bool left, bool right) external pure;


Asserts that two bool values are equal and includes error message into revert string on failure.

function assertEq(bool left, bool right, string calldata error) external pure;


Asserts that two string values are equal.

function assertEq(string calldata left, string calldata right) external pure;


Asserts that two string values are equal and includes error message into revert string on failure.

function assertEq(string calldata left, string calldata right, string calldata error) external pure;


Asserts that two bytes values are equal.

function assertEq(bytes calldata left, bytes calldata right) external pure;


Asserts that two bytes values are equal and includes error message into revert string on failure.

function assertEq(bytes calldata left, bytes calldata right, string calldata error) external pure;


Asserts that two arrays of bool values are equal.

function assertEq(bool[] calldata left, bool[] calldata right) external pure;


Asserts that two arrays of bool values are equal and includes error message into revert string on failure.

function assertEq(bool[] calldata left, bool[] calldata right, string calldata error) external pure;


Asserts that two arrays of `uint256 values are equal.

function assertEq(uint256[] calldata left, uint256[] calldata right) external pure;


Asserts that two arrays of uint256 values are equal and includes error message into revert string on failure.

function assertEq(uint256[] calldata left, uint256[] calldata right, string calldata error) external pure;


Asserts that two arrays of int256 values are equal.

function assertEq(int256[] calldata left, int256[] calldata right) external pure;


Asserts that two arrays of int256 values are equal and includes error message into revert string on failure.

function assertEq(int256[] calldata left, int256[] calldata right, string calldata error) external pure;


Asserts that two uint256 values are equal.

function assertEq(uint256 left, uint256 right) external pure;


Asserts that two arrays of address values are equal.

function assertEq(address[] calldata left, address[] calldata right) external pure;


Asserts that two arrays of address values are equal and includes error message into revert string on failure.

function assertEq(address[] calldata left, address[] calldata right, string calldata error) external pure;


Asserts that two arrays of bytes32 values are equal.

function assertEq(bytes32[] calldata left, bytes32[] calldata right) external pure;


Asserts that two arrays of bytes32 values are equal and includes error message into revert string on failure.

function assertEq(bytes32[] calldata left, bytes32[] calldata right, string calldata error) external pure;


Asserts that two arrays of string values are equal.

function assertEq(string[] calldata left, string[] calldata right) external pure;


Asserts that two arrays of string values are equal and includes error message into revert string on failure.

function assertEq(string[] calldata left, string[] calldata right, string calldata error) external pure;


Asserts that two arrays of bytes values are equal.

function assertEq(bytes[] calldata left, bytes[] calldata right) external pure;


Asserts that two arrays of bytes values are equal and includes error message into revert string on failure.

function assertEq(bytes[] calldata left, bytes[] calldata right, string calldata error) external pure;


Asserts that two uint256 values are equal and includes error message into revert string on failure.

function assertEq(uint256 left, uint256 right, string calldata error) external pure;


Asserts that two int256 values are equal.

function assertEq(int256 left, int256 right) external pure;


Asserts that two int256 values are equal and includes error message into revert string on failure.

function assertEq(int256 left, int256 right, string calldata error) external pure;


Asserts that two address values are equal.

function assertEq(address left, address right) external pure;


Asserts that two address values are equal and includes error message into revert string on failure.

function assertEq(address left, address right, string calldata error) external pure;


Asserts that two bytes32 values are equal.

function assertEq(bytes32 left, bytes32 right) external pure;


Asserts that two bytes32 values are equal and includes error message into revert string on failure.

function assertEq(bytes32 left, bytes32 right, string calldata error) external pure;


Asserts that the given condition is false.

function assertFalse(bool condition) external pure;


Asserts that the given condition is false and includes error message into revert string on failure.

function assertFalse(bool condition, string calldata error) external pure;


Compares two uint256 values. Expects first value to be greater than or equal to second. Formats values with decimals in failure message.

function assertGeDecimal(uint256 left, uint256 right, uint256 decimals) external pure;


Compares two uint256 values. Expects first value to be greater than or equal to second. Formats values with decimals in failure message. Includes error message into revert string on failure.

function assertGeDecimal(uint256 left, uint256 right, uint256 decimals, string calldata error) external pure;


Compares two int256 values. Expects first value to be greater than or equal to second. Formats values with decimals in failure message.

function assertGeDecimal(int256 left, int256 right, uint256 decimals) external pure;


Compares two int256 values. Expects first value to be greater than or equal to second. Formats values with decimals in failure message. Includes error message into revert string on failure.

function assertGeDecimal(int256 left, int256 right, uint256 decimals, string calldata error) external pure;


Compares two uint256 values. Expects first value to be greater than or equal to second.

function assertGe(uint256 left, uint256 right) external pure;


Compares two uint256 values. Expects first value to be greater than or equal to second. Includes error message into revert string on failure.

function assertGe(uint256 left, uint256 right, string calldata error) external pure;


Compares two int256 values. Expects first value to be greater than or equal to second.

function assertGe(int256 left, int256 right) external pure;


Compares two int256 values. Expects first value to be greater than or equal to second. Includes error message into revert string on failure.

function assertGe(int256 left, int256 right, string calldata error) external pure;


Compares two uint256 values. Expects first value to be greater than second. Formats values with decimals in failure message.

function assertGtDecimal(uint256 left, uint256 right, uint256 decimals) external pure;


Compares two uint256 values. Expects first value to be greater than second. Formats values with decimals in failure message. Includes error message into revert string on failure.

function assertGtDecimal(uint256 left, uint256 right, uint256 decimals, string calldata error) external pure;


Compares two int256 values. Expects first value to be greater than second. Formats values with decimals in failure message.

function assertGtDecimal(int256 left, int256 right, uint256 decimals) external pure;


Compares two int256 values. Expects first value to be greater than second. Formats values with decimals in failure message. Includes error message into revert string on failure.

function assertGtDecimal(int256 left, int256 right, uint256 decimals, string calldata error) external pure;


Compares two uint256 values. Expects first value to be greater than second.

function assertGt(uint256 left, uint256 right) external pure;


Compares two uint256 values. Expects first value to be greater than second. Includes error message into revert string on failure.

function assertGt(uint256 left, uint256 right, string calldata error) external pure;


Compares two int256 values. Expects first value to be greater than second.

function assertGt(int256 left, int256 right) external pure;


Compares two int256 values. Expects first value to be greater than second. Includes error message into revert string on failure.

function assertGt(int256 left, int256 right, string calldata error) external pure;


Compares two uint256 values. Expects first value to be less than or equal to second. Formats values with decimals in failure message.

function assertLeDecimal(uint256 left, uint256 right, uint256 decimals) external pure;


Compares two uint256 values. Expects first value to be less than or equal to second. Formats values with decimals in failure message. Includes error message into revert string on failure.

function assertLeDecimal(uint256 left, uint256 right, uint256 decimals, string calldata error) external pure;


Compares two int256 values. Expects first value to be less than or equal to second. Formats values with decimals in failure message.

function assertLeDecimal(int256 left, int256 right, uint256 decimals) external pure;


Compares two int256 values. Expects first value to be less than or equal to second. Formats values with decimals in failure message. Includes error message into revert string on failure.

function assertLeDecimal(int256 left, int256 right, uint256 decimals, string calldata error) external pure;


Compares two uint256 values. Expects first value to be less than or equal to second.

function assertLe(uint256 left, uint256 right) external pure;


Compares two uint256 values. Expects first value to be less than or equal to second. Includes error message into revert string on failure.

function assertLe(uint256 left, uint256 right, string calldata error) external pure;


Compares two int256 values. Expects first value to be less than or equal to second.

function assertLe(int256 left, int256 right) external pure;


Compares two int256 values. Expects first value to be less than or equal to second. Includes error message into revert string on failure.

function assertLe(int256 left, int256 right, string calldata error) external pure;


Compares two uint256 values. Expects first value to be less than second. Formats values with decimals in failure message.

function assertLtDecimal(uint256 left, uint256 right, uint256 decimals) external pure;


Compares two uint256 values. Expects first value to be less than second. Formats values with decimals in failure message. Includes error message into revert string on failure.

function assertLtDecimal(uint256 left, uint256 right, uint256 decimals, string calldata error) external pure;


Compares two int256 values. Expects first value to be less than second. Formats values with decimals in failure message.

function assertLtDecimal(int256 left, int256 right, uint256 decimals) external pure;


Compares two int256 values. Expects first value to be less than second. Formats values with decimals in failure message. Includes error message into revert string on failure.

function assertLtDecimal(int256 left, int256 right, uint256 decimals, string calldata error) external pure;


Compares two uint256 values. Expects first value to be less than second.

function assertLt(uint256 left, uint256 right) external pure;


Compares two uint256 values. Expects first value to be less than second. Includes error message into revert string on failure.

function assertLt(uint256 left, uint256 right, string calldata error) external pure;


Compares two int256 values. Expects first value to be less than second.

function assertLt(int256 left, int256 right) external pure;


Compares two int256 values. Expects first value to be less than second. Includes error message into revert string on failure.

function assertLt(int256 left, int256 right, string calldata error) external pure;


Asserts that two uint256 values are not equal, formatting them with decimals in failure message.

function assertNotEqDecimal(uint256 left, uint256 right, uint256 decimals) external pure;


Asserts that two uint256 values are not equal, formatting them with decimals in failure message. Includes error message into revert string on failure.

function assertNotEqDecimal(uint256 left, uint256 right, uint256 decimals, string calldata error) external pure;


Asserts that two int256 values are not equal, formatting them with decimals in failure message.

function assertNotEqDecimal(int256 left, int256 right, uint256 decimals) external pure;


Asserts that two int256 values are not equal, formatting them with decimals in failure message. Includes error message into revert string on failure.

function assertNotEqDecimal(int256 left, int256 right, uint256 decimals, string calldata error) external pure;


Asserts that two bool values are not equal.

function assertNotEq(bool left, bool right) external pure;


Asserts that two bool values are not equal and includes error message into revert string on failure.

function assertNotEq(bool left, bool right, string calldata error) external pure;


Asserts that two string values are not equal.

function assertNotEq(string calldata left, string calldata right) external pure;


Asserts that two string values are not equal and includes error message into revert string on failure.

function assertNotEq(string calldata left, string calldata right, string calldata error) external pure;


Asserts that two bytes values are not equal.

function assertNotEq(bytes calldata left, bytes calldata right) external pure;


Asserts that two bytes values are not equal and includes error message into revert string on failure.

function assertNotEq(bytes calldata left, bytes calldata right, string calldata error) external pure;


Asserts that two arrays of bool values are not equal.

function assertNotEq(bool[] calldata left, bool[] calldata right) external pure;


Asserts that two arrays of bool values are not equal and includes error message into revert string on failure.

function assertNotEq(bool[] calldata left, bool[] calldata right, string calldata error) external pure;


Asserts that two arrays of uint256 values are not equal.

function assertNotEq(uint256[] calldata left, uint256[] calldata right) external pure;


Asserts that two arrays of uint256 values are not equal and includes error message into revert string on failure.

function assertNotEq(uint256[] calldata left, uint256[] calldata right, string calldata error) external pure;


Asserts that two arrays of int256 values are not equal.

function assertNotEq(int256[] calldata left, int256[] calldata right) external pure;


Asserts that two arrays of int256 values are not equal and includes error message into revert string on failure.

function assertNotEq(int256[] calldata left, int256[] calldata right, string calldata error) external pure;


Asserts that two uint256 values are not equal.

function assertNotEq(uint256 left, uint256 right) external pure;


Asserts that two arrays of address values are not equal.

function assertNotEq(address[] calldata left, address[] calldata right) external pure;


Asserts that two arrays of address values are not equal and includes error message into revert string on failure.

function assertNotEq(address[] calldata left, address[] calldata right, string calldata error) external pure;


Asserts that two arrays of bytes32 values are not equal.

function assertNotEq(bytes32[] calldata left, bytes32[] calldata right) external pure;


Asserts that two arrays of bytes32 values are not equal and includes error message into revert string on failure.

function assertNotEq(bytes32[] calldata left, bytes32[] calldata right, string calldata error) external pure;


Asserts that two arrays of string values are not equal.

function assertNotEq(string[] calldata left, string[] calldata right) external pure;


Asserts that two arrays of string values are not equal and includes error message into revert string on failure.

function assertNotEq(string[] calldata left, string[] calldata right, string calldata error) external pure;


Asserts that two arrays of bytes values are not equal.

function assertNotEq(bytes[] calldata left, bytes[] calldata right) external pure;


Asserts that two arrays of bytes values are not equal and includes error message into revert string on failure.

function assertNotEq(bytes[] calldata left, bytes[] calldata right, string calldata error) external pure;


Asserts that two uint256 values are not equal and includes error message into revert string on failure.

function assertNotEq(uint256 left, uint256 right, string calldata error) external pure;


Asserts that two int256 values are not equal.

function assertNotEq(int256 left, int256 right) external pure;


Asserts that two int256 values are not equal and includes error message into revert string on failure.

function assertNotEq(int256 left, int256 right, string calldata error) external pure;


Asserts that two address values are not equal.

function assertNotEq(address left, address right) external pure;


Asserts that two address values are not equal and includes error message into revert string on failure.

function assertNotEq(address left, address right, string calldata error) external pure;


Asserts that two bytes32 values are not equal.

function assertNotEq(bytes32 left, bytes32 right) external pure;


Asserts that two bytes32 values are not equal and includes error message into revert string on failure.

function assertNotEq(bytes32 left, bytes32 right, string calldata error) external pure;


Asserts that the given condition is true.

function assertTrue(bool condition) external pure;


Asserts that the given condition is true and includes error message into revert string on failure.

function assertTrue(bool condition, string calldata error) external pure;


If the condition is false, discard this run's fuzz inputs and generate new ones.

function assume(bool condition) external pure;


Discard this run's fuzz inputs and generate new ones if next call reverted.

function assumeNoRevert() external pure;


Writes a breakpoint to jump to in the debugger.

function breakpoint(string calldata char) external;


Writes a conditional breakpoint to jump to in the debugger.

function breakpoint(string calldata char, bool value) external;


Returns the Foundry version. Format: <cargo_version>+<git_sha>+<build_timestamp> Sample output: 0.2.0+faa94c384+202407110019 Note: Build timestamps may vary slightly across platforms due to separate CI jobs. For reliable version comparisons, use YYYYMMDD0000 format (e.g., >= 202407110000) to compare timestamps while ignoring minor time differences.

function getFoundryVersion() external view returns (string memory version);


Returns the RPC url for the given alias.

function rpcUrl(string calldata rpcAlias) external view returns (string memory json);


Returns all rpc urls and their aliases as structs.

function rpcUrlStructs() external view returns (Rpc[] memory urls);


Returns all rpc urls and their aliases [alias, url][].

function rpcUrls() external view returns (string[2][] memory urls);


Suspends execution of the main thread for duration milliseconds.

function sleep(uint256 duration) external;


Checks if key exists in a TOML table.

function keyExistsToml(string calldata toml, string calldata key) external view returns (bool);


Parses a string of TOML data at key and coerces it to address.

function parseTomlAddress(string calldata toml, string calldata key) external pure returns (address);


Parses a string of TOML data at key and coerces it to address[].

function parseTomlAddressArray(string calldata toml, string calldata key) external pure returns (address[] memory);


Parses a string of TOML data at key and coerces it to bool.

function parseTomlBool(string calldata toml, string calldata key) external pure returns (bool);


Parses a string of TOML data at key and coerces it to bool[].

function parseTomlBoolArray(string calldata toml, string calldata key) external pure returns (bool[] memory);


Parses a string of TOML data at key and coerces it to bytes.

function parseTomlBytes(string calldata toml, string calldata key) external pure returns (bytes memory);


Parses a string of TOML data at key and coerces it to bytes32.

function parseTomlBytes32(string calldata toml, string calldata key) external pure returns (bytes32);


Parses a string of TOML data at key and coerces it to bytes32[].

function parseTomlBytes32Array(string calldata toml, string calldata key) external pure returns (bytes32[] memory);


Parses a string of TOML data at key and coerces it to bytes[].

function parseTomlBytesArray(string calldata toml, string calldata key) external pure returns (bytes[] memory);


Parses a string of TOML data at key and coerces it to int256.

function parseTomlInt(string calldata toml, string calldata key) external pure returns (int256);


Parses a string of TOML data at key and coerces it to int256[].

function parseTomlIntArray(string calldata toml, string calldata key) external pure returns (int256[] memory);


Returns an array of all the keys in a TOML table.

function parseTomlKeys(string calldata toml, string calldata key) external pure returns (string[] memory keys);


Parses a string of TOML data at key and coerces it to string.

function parseTomlString(string calldata toml, string calldata key) external pure returns (string memory);


Parses a string of TOML data at key and coerces it to string[].

function parseTomlStringArray(string calldata toml, string calldata key) external pure returns (string[] memory);


Parses a string of TOML data at key and coerces it to uint256.

function parseTomlUint(string calldata toml, string calldata key) external pure returns (uint256);


Parses a string of TOML data at key and coerces it to uint256[].

function parseTomlUintArray(string calldata toml, string calldata key) external pure returns (uint256[] memory);


ABI-encodes a TOML table.

function parseToml(string calldata toml) external pure returns (bytes memory abiEncodedData);


ABI-encodes a TOML table at key.

function parseToml(string calldata toml, string calldata key) external pure returns (bytes memory abiEncodedData);


Takes serialized JSON, converts to TOML and write a serialized TOML to a file.

function writeToml(string calldata json, string calldata path) external;


Takes serialized JSON, converts to TOML and write a serialized TOML table to an existing TOML file, replacing a value with key = <value_key.> This is useful to replace a specific value of a TOML file, without having to parse the entire thing.

function writeToml(string calldata json, string calldata path, string calldata valueKey) external;


Compute the address of a contract created with CREATE2 using the given CREATE2 deployer.

function computeCreate2Address(bytes32 salt, bytes32 initCodeHash, address deployer) external pure returns (address);


Compute the address of a contract created with CREATE2 using the default CREATE2 deployer.

function computeCreate2Address(bytes32 salt, bytes32 initCodeHash) external pure returns (address);


Compute the address a contract will be deployed at for a given deployer address and nonce.

function computeCreateAddress(address deployer, uint256 nonce) external pure returns (address);


Utility cheatcode to copy storage of from contract to another to contract.

function copyStorage(address from, address to) external;


Returns ENS namehash for provided string.

function ensNamehash(string calldata name) external pure returns (bytes32);


Gets the label for the specified address.

function getLabel(address account) external view returns (string memory currentLabel);


Labels an address in call traces.

function label(address account, string calldata newLabel) external;


Pauses collection of call traces. Useful in cases when you want to skip tracing of complex calls which are not useful for debugging.

function pauseTracing() external view;


Returns a random address.

function randomAddress() external returns (address);


Returns a random uint256 value.

function randomUint() external returns (uint256);


Returns random uin256 value between the provided range (=min..=max).

function randomUint(uint256 min, uint256 max) external returns (uint256);


Unpauses collection of call traces.

function resumeTracing() external view;


Utility cheatcode to set arbitrary storage for given target address.

function setArbitraryStorage(address target) external;


Encodes a bytes value to a base64url string.

function toBase64URL(bytes calldata data) external pure returns (string memory);


Encodes a string value to a base64url string.

function toBase64URL(string calldata data) external pure returns (string memory);


Encodes a bytes value to a base64 string.

function toBase64(bytes calldata data) external pure returns (string memory);


Encodes a string value to a base64 string.

function toBase64(string calldata data) external pure returns (string memory);



An Ethereum log. Returned by getRecordedLogs.

struct Log {
bytes32[] topics;
bytes data;
address emitter;


An RPC URL and its alias. Returned by rpcUrlStructs.

struct Rpc {
string key;
string url;


An RPC log object. Returned by eth_getLogs.

struct EthGetLogs {
address emitter;
bytes32[] topics;
bytes data;
bytes32 blockHash;
uint64 blockNumber;
bytes32 transactionHash;
uint64 transactionIndex;
uint256 logIndex;
bool removed;


A single entry in a directory listing. Returned by readDir.

struct DirEntry {
string errorMessage;
string path;
uint64 depth;
bool isDir;
bool isSymlink;


Metadata information about a file. This structure is returned from the fsMetadata function and represents known metadata about a file such as its permissions, size, modification times, etc.

struct FsMetadata {
bool isDir;
bool isSymlink;
uint256 length;
bool readOnly;
uint256 modified;
uint256 accessed;
uint256 created;


A wallet with a public and private key.

struct Wallet {
address addr;
uint256 publicKeyX;
uint256 publicKeyY;
uint256 privateKey;


The result of a tryFfi call.

struct FfiResult {
int32 exitCode;
bytes stdout;
bytes stderr;


Information on the chain and fork.

struct ChainInfo {
uint256 forkId;
uint256 chainId;


The result of a stopAndReturnStateDiff call.

struct AccountAccess {
ChainInfo chainInfo;
AccountAccessKind kind;
address account;
address accessor;
bool initialized;
uint256 oldBalance;
uint256 newBalance;
bytes deployedCode;
uint256 value;
bytes data;
bool reverted;
StorageAccess[] storageAccesses;
uint64 depth;


The storage accessed during an AccountAccess.

struct StorageAccess {
address account;
bytes32 slot;
bool isWrite;
bytes32 previousValue;
bytes32 newValue;
bool reverted;


Gas used. Returned by lastCallGas.

struct Gas {
uint64 gasLimit;
uint64 gasTotalUsed;
uint64 gasMemoryUsed;
int64 gasRefunded;
uint64 gasRemaining;



A modification applied to either msg.sender or tx.origin. Returned by readCallers.

enum CallerMode {


The kind of account access that occurred.

enum AccountAccessKind {


Forge execution contexts.

enum ForgeContext {