On this pageMessageBody Git Source State Variables CONFIG_FILE_MISSING string constant CONFIG_FILE_MISSING = "Please ensure that the configuration file is present in the project root directory. If the file is missing, create a new one or restore it from the 'lib/mc/mc.toml' template."; CONFIG_FILE_REQUIRED string constant CONFIG_FILE_REQUIRED = "The configuration file is required and must be present in the project root directory. Please create a new 'mc.toml' file or restore it from the 'lib/mc/mc.toml' template."; NAME_REQUIRED string constant NAME_REQUIRED = "The provided name cannot be an empty string. Please enter a non-empty value for the name and try again."; ENV_KEY_REQUIRED string constant ENV_KEY_REQUIRED = "The provided environment key cannot be an empty string. Please enter a non-empty value for the key and try again."; SELECTOR_RECOMMENDED string constant SELECTOR_RECOMMENDED = "The provided function selector is empty (0x00000000). It is recommended to use a non-empty selector."; ADDRESS_NOT_CONTRACT string constant ADDRESS_NOT_CONTRACT = "The provided address is not a contract address. Please provide the address of a deployed contract and try again."; FACADE_NOT_CONTRACT string constant FACADE_NOT_CONTRACT = "The provided facade address is not a contract address. It is recommended to use the address of a deployed facade contract and try again."; OWNER_ZERO_ADDRESS_RECOMMENDED string constant OWNER_ZERO_ADDRESS_RECOMMENDED = "The provided owner address is the zero address (0x0). It is recommended to use a non-zero address for the owner to ensure proper access control and security."; CURRENT_NAME_NOT_FOUND string constant CURRENT_NAME_NOT_FOUND = "Current Name Not Found"; FUNC_NAME_UNASSIGNED string constant FUNC_NAME_UNASSIGNED = "The function name is currently unassigned. It is recommended to provide a non-empty value for the name."; FUNC_CONTRACT_UNASSIGNED string constant FUNC_CONTRACT_UNASSIGNED = "The implementation contract address is currently unassigned. It is recommended to set the address of a deployed contract."; FUNC_NOT_COMPLETE string constant FUNC_NOT_COMPLETE = "The function is not marked as complete. Please ensure all requirements are met before proceeding."; FUNC_LOCKED string constant FUNC_LOCKED = "The function object is currently locked and cannot be modified."; FUNC_NOT_BUILDING string constant FUNC_NOT_BUILDING = "The function is not currently in the building state. Please initiate the building process before proceeding."; FUNC_NOT_BUILT string constant FUNC_NOT_BUILT = "The function has not been successfully built yet. Please complete the building process before attempting to use the function."; FUNC_NOT_REGISTERED string constant FUNC_NOT_REGISTERED = "The function name is not registered in the registry. Please register the function before proceeding."; BUNDLE_NAME_UNASSIGNED string constant BUNDLE_NAME_UNASSIGNED = "The name of the bundle is currently unassigned. It is recommended to provide a non-empty value for the bundle name."; NO_FUNCTIONS_IN_BUNDLE string constant NO_FUNCTIONS_IN_BUNDLE = "The bundle should contain at least one function. Please add functions before attempting to build the bundle."; NO_FUNCTIONS_IN_BUNDLE_REQUIRED string constant NO_FUNCTIONS_IN_BUNDLE_REQUIRED = "The bundle must contain at least one function. Please add functions before attempting to build the bundle."; BUNDLE_FACADE_UNASSIGNED string constant BUNDLE_FACADE_UNASSIGNED = "The facade contract for the bundle is currently unassigned. It is recommended to set the address of a deployed contract as the facade."; BUNDLE_NOT_INITIALIZED string constant BUNDLE_NOT_INITIALIZED = "The bundle has not been initialized. Please ensure the bundle is properly initialized before proceeding."; BUNDLE_NOT_COMPLETE string constant BUNDLE_NOT_COMPLETE = "The bundle is not marked as complete. It is recommended to ensure all requirements are met before proceeding."; BUNDLE_NOT_COMPLETE_REQUIRED string constant BUNDLE_NOT_COMPLETE_REQUIRED = "The bundle is not marked as complete. It is required to ensure all requirements are met before proceeding."; BUNDLE_CONTAINS_SAME_SELECTOR string constant BUNDLE_CONTAINS_SAME_SELECTOR = "The bundle cannot contain multiple functions with the same 4-byte selector. The function selector is already present in the bundle."; BUNDLE_LOCKED string constant BUNDLE_LOCKED = "The bundle object is currently locked and cannot be modified."; BUNDLE_NOT_BUILDING string constant BUNDLE_NOT_BUILDING = "The bundle is not currently in the building state. Please initiate the building process before proceeding."; BUNDLE_NOT_BUILT string constant BUNDLE_NOT_BUILT = "The bundle has not been successfully built yet. Please complete the building process before attempting to use the bundle."; CURRENT_BUNDLE_NOT_EXIST string constant CURRENT_BUNDLE_NOT_EXIST = "There is no current bundle set in the registry. It is recommended to set a bundle as the current one before proceeding."; CURRENT_BUNDLE_NOT_EXIST_REQUIRED string constant CURRENT_BUNDLE_NOT_EXIST_REQUIRED = "There is no current bundle set in the registry. It is required to set a bundle as the current one before proceeding. Please make sure to call the mc.init() method to initialize the current bundle."; PROXY_ADDR_UNASSIGNED string constant PROXY_ADDR_UNASSIGNED = "The address of the proxy contract is currently unassigned. Please set the address of a deployed contract."; PROXY_KIND_UNDEFINED string constant PROXY_KIND_UNDEFINED = "The kind of proxy is not defined. Please specify the proxy kind before proceeding."; PROXY_NOT_COMPLETE string constant PROXY_NOT_COMPLETE = "The proxy object is not marked as complete. Please ensure all requirements are met before proceeding."; PROXY_LOCKED string constant PROXY_LOCKED = "The proxy object is currently locked and cannot be modified."; PROXY_NOT_BUILDING string constant PROXY_NOT_BUILDING = "The proxy is not currently in the building state. Please initiate the building process before proceeding."; PROXY_NOT_BUILT string constant PROXY_NOT_BUILT = "The proxy has not been successfully built yet. Please complete the building process before attempting to use the proxy."; PROXY_ALREADY_REGISTERED string constant PROXY_ALREADY_REGISTERED = "The proxy name is already registered in the registry. Please use a different name."; PROXY_NOT_REGISTERED string constant PROXY_NOT_REGISTERED = "The proxy name is not registered in the registry. Please register the proxy name before proceeding."; CURRENT_PROXY_NOT_EXIST string constant CURRENT_PROXY_NOT_EXIST = "There is no current proxy set in the registry. It is required to set a proxy as the current one before proceeding. Please make sure to deploy the current proxy."; DICTIONARY_NAME_UNASSIGNED string constant DICTIONARY_NAME_UNASSIGNED = "The name of the dictionary contract is currently unassigned. Please set the name of a deployed contract."; DICTIONARY_ADDR_UNASSIGNED string constant DICTIONARY_ADDR_UNASSIGNED = "The address of the dictionary contract is currently unassigned. Please set the address of a deployed contract."; DICTIONARY_KIND_UNDEFINED string constant DICTIONARY_KIND_UNDEFINED = "The kind of dictionary is not defined. Please specify the dictionary kind before proceeding."; DICTIONARY_NOT_COMPLETE string constant DICTIONARY_NOT_COMPLETE = "The dictionary object is not marked as complete. Please ensure all requirements are met before proceeding."; DICTIONARY_NOT_VERIFIABLE string constant DICTIONARY_NOT_VERIFIABLE = "The dictionary is not verifiable. Please ensure all prerequisites are met for verification."; DICTIONARY_LOCKED string constant DICTIONARY_LOCKED = "The dictionary object is currently locked and cannot be modified."; DICTIONARY_NOT_BUILDING string constant DICTIONARY_NOT_BUILDING = "The dictionary is not currently in the building state. Please initiate the building process before proceeding."; DICTIONARY_NOT_BUILT string constant DICTIONARY_NOT_BUILT = "The dictionary has not been successfully built yet. Please complete the building process before attempting to use the dictionary."; DICTIONARY_ALREADY_REGISTERED string constant DICTIONARY_ALREADY_REGISTERED = "The dictionary name is already registered in the registry. Please use a different name."; DICTIONARY_NOT_REGISTERED string constant DICTIONARY_NOT_REGISTERED = "The dictionary name is not registered in the registry. Please register the dictionary name before proceeding."; CURRENT_DICTIONARY_NOT_EXIST string constant CURRENT_DICTIONARY_NOT_EXIST = "There is no current dictionary set in the registry. It is required to set a dictionary as the current one before proceeding. Please make sure to deploy/load/duplicate the current dictionary."; STD_REGISTRY_NOT_COMPLETE string constant STD_REGISTRY_NOT_COMPLETE = "The standard registry is not marked as complete. Please ensure all requirements are met before proceeding."; STD_REGISTRY_LOCKED string constant STD_REGISTRY_LOCKED = "The standard registry is currently locked and cannot be modified."; STD_REGISTRY_NOT_BUILDING string constant STD_REGISTRY_NOT_BUILDING = "The standard registry is not currently in the building state. Please initiate the building process before proceeding."; STD_REGISTRY_NOT_BUILT string constant STD_REGISTRY_NOT_BUILT = "The standard registry has not been successfully built yet. Please complete the building process before attempting to use the registry."; STD_FUNCTIONS_NOT_COMPLETE string constant STD_FUNCTIONS_NOT_COMPLETE = "The standard functions object is not marked as complete. Please ensure all requirements are met before proceeding."; STD_FUNCTIONS_LOCKED string constant STD_FUNCTIONS_LOCKED = "The standard functions object is currently locked and cannot be modified."; STD_FUNCTIONS_NOT_BUILDING string constant STD_FUNCTIONS_NOT_BUILDING = "The standard functions are not currently in the building state. Please initiate the building process before proceeding."; STD_FUNCTIONS_NOT_BUILT string constant STD_FUNCTIONS_NOT_BUILT = "The standard functions have not been successfully built yet. Please complete the building process before attempting to use them."; NOT_FOUND_IN_RANGE string constant NOT_FOUND_IN_RANGE = "The value was not found within the expected range. Please provide a value that falls within the specified range and try again."; TEST_MUST_USE_FUNCTION string constant TEST_MUST_USE_FUNCTION = "The function required for testing is not configured. Please set it up using '_use'.";