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Library version has been tested with version 5.0.0.

This ERC7546 helper constant & methods

State Variables


The storage slot of the Dictionary contract which defines the dynamic implementations for this proxy. This slot is the keccak-256 hash of "erc7546.proxy.dictionary" subtracted by 1.

bytes32 internal constant DICTIONARY_SLOT = 0x267691be3525af8a813d30db0c9e2bad08f63baecf6dceb85e2cf3676cff56f4;



Returns the current dictionary address.

function getDictionary() internal view returns (address);


Change the dictionary and trigger a setup call if data is nonempty. This function is payable only if the setup call is performed, otherwise msg.value is rejected to avoid stuck value in the contract. Emits an IERC7546-DictionaryUpgraded event.

function upgradeDictionaryToAndCall(address newDictionary, bytes memory data) internal;


Stores a new dictionary in the EIP0000 dictionary slot.

function _setDictionary(address newDictionary) private;


function _checkNonPayable() private;


function setBeacon(address newBeacon) internal;