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This guide provides an overview of key functions and modifiers in the Meta Contract DevKit, focusing on their usage in scripting and testing scenarios.


When writing deployment or interaction scripts, you'll typically use the MCScript base contract. Here's a key modifier you'll often use:


This modifier is used in scripting to broadcast transactions using the deployer's private key.

modifier startBroadcastWithDeployerPrivKey();


function run() public startBroadcastWithDeployerPrivKey {
// Deployment script logic here


For writing tests, you'll use the MCTest base contract. Here are some key functions and modifiers:


This modifier is used in testing to simulate transactions or function calls from the deployer's address.

modifier startPrankWithDeployer();


function setUp() public startPrankWithDeployer {
// Test setup logic here


This function allows manual setting or updating of the dictionary contract address for a target contract in tests.

function setDictionary(address target, address dictionary) internal;


setDictionary(proxy, dictionary);


This function excludes precompiled contracts from consideration in certain test cases.

function ignorePrecompiles(address target) internal;



Object Lifecycle Management

The DevKit provides a robust system for managing the lifecycle of core Meta Contract objects (Function, Bundle, Proxy, Dictionary). This system uses state transitions to ensure the integrity and proper usage of these objects.

Core Objects

  • Function
  • Bundle
  • Proxy
  • Dictionary


  • Uninitialized: The initial state of an object when it is created but not yet initialized.
  • Building: The state where the object is being constructed, and its member variables are being set.
  • Built: The state where the object is fully constructed and ready for use.
  • Locked: The state where the object is locked and cannot be modified.


Key methods for lifecycle management include:

  1. startBuilding()
    • Transitions the object from the Uninitialized or Built state to the Building state.
    • Called when the object's member variables need to be modified.
    • Allows the object to be modified even if it was previously in the Built state.
  2. finishBuilding()
    • Attempts to transition the object from the Building state to the Built state.
    • Called after the object's member variables have been modified.
    • Checks if all the member variables are in a valid state.
      • If successful, transitions the object to the Built state.
      • If unsuccessful, outputs a warning and keeps the object in the Building state.
  3. lock()
    • Transitions the object from the Built state to the Locked state.
    • Prevents any further modifications to the object.


Best Practices

  1. Always use the appropriate base contract (MCScript for scripting, MCTest for testing) to ensure access to all relevant DevKit features.
  2. Leverage the object lifecycle management system to maintain the integrity of your Meta Contract objects throughout their usage.
  3. Use the provided modifiers and functions to simulate different scenarios in your tests, ensuring comprehensive coverage of your contract's behavior.

For more advanced usage patterns and detailed API documentation, refer to the API Reference section.