On this pageDocumentation Guidelines This guide outlines the standards and best practices for creating and maintaining documentation in the Meta Contract project. General Principles Write clear, concise, and accurate documentation. Keep documentation up-to-date with code changes. Use a consistent style and format across all documentation. Write for your audience, considering their technical background. File Naming Convention Use kebab-case for all documentation file names: what-is-meta-contract.mdkey-concepts.md Markdown Formatting Use ATX-style headers (# for h1, ## for h2, etc.). Use backticks for inline code and triple backticks for code blocks. Use appropriate language identifiers for code blocks (e.g., ```solidity). Use unordered lists (-) for most lists, and ordered lists (1.) when sequence matters. Documentation Header Each documentation file should start with a metadata block followed by the document content: ---keywords: [keyword1, keyword2, keyword3]tags: [tag1, tag2, tag3]last_update: date: YYYY-MM-DD author: [Author Names]---# Document TitleBrief description or introduction to the document content.[Main document content starts here] See details in Docusaurus Frontmatter. Ensure to add any necessary elements according to the Docusaurus frontmatter guidelines. Code Documentation Solidity Use NatSpec comments for all public and external functions: /** * @notice Calculates the sum of two numbers * @param a The first number * @param b The second number * @return The sum of a and b */function calculateSum(uint256 a, uint256 b) public pure returns (uint256) { return a + b;} Diagrams Use Mermaid for creating diagrams in documentation. Include the diagram source in the Markdown file: