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This guide outlines the best practices and strategies for deploying Meta Contract projects to various blockchain networks using Foundry.

Table of Contents

  1. Pre-Deployment Checklist
  2. Deployment Process
  3. Post-Deployment Steps
  4. Security Considerations
  5. Gas Optimization

Pre-Deployment Checklist

Before deploying your Meta Contract project, ensure you've completed the following:

  1. Code Review: Conduct thorough code reviews, including peer reviews and potentially external audits.
  2. Testing: Complete all unit and integration tests with high coverage using Foundry.
  3. Gas Optimization: Perform gas optimization to ensure efficient contract execution.
  4. Documentation: Prepare comprehensive documentation for your contract's functions and usage.

Deployment Process

1. Choose the Deployment Network

  • Testnet Deployment: Always deploy to a testnet (e.g., Sepolia, Holesky) before mainnet deployment.
  • Mainnet Deployment: Only deploy to mainnet after thorough testing and auditing.

2. Prepare Deployment Scripts

Use Foundry's script feature and mc's custom script template to create deployment scripts:

// script/DeployVotingSystem.s.sol

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.24;

import {MCScript} from "@devkit/Flattened.sol";
import {VotingSystemDeployer} from "script/VotingSystemDeployer.sol";

contract DeployVotingSystemScript is MCScript {
function run() public startBroadcastWith("DEPLOYER_PRIV_KEY") {
VotingSystemDeployer.deploy(mc, deployer);
// script/VotingSystemDeployer.s.sol

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.24;

import {VotingSystemFacade} from "bundle/voting-system/interfaces/VotingSystemFacade.sol";

library VotingSystemDeployer {
string internal constant BUNDLE_NAME = "VotingSystem";

* @dev Deploys the VotingSystem contract
* @param mc MCDevKit storage reference
* @return votingSystem Address of the deployed VotingSystem proxy
function deploy(MCDevKit storage mc, address initialMember) internal returns(address votingSystem) {

address _vote = address(new Vote());
_use(, _vote);
address _tally = address(new Tally());
_use(Tally.tally.selector, _tally);

mc.useFacade(address(new VotingSystemFacade())); // for Etherscan proxy read/write

return mc.deploy(
abi.encodeCall(Initialize.initialize, (initialMember))

3. Deploy the Contract

  1. Run and check the result the deployment script using Foundry in the local environment with on-chain state:

    forge script DeployVotingSystemScript --rpc-url <YOUR_RPC_URL>
  2. Run the script with sending transactions

    forge script DeployVotingSystemScript --rpc-url <YOUR_RPC_URL> --broadcast --verify

4. Verify Contract Source Code

Foundry automatically verifies the contract if the --verify flag is used during deployment. If manual verification is needed:

forge verify-contract <DEPLOYED_CONTRACT_ADDRESS> src/MyContract.sol:MyContract

Post-Deployment Steps

  1. Functional Testing: Perform thorough testing on the deployed contract to ensure all functions work as expected.
  2. Monitoring Setup: Implement monitoring solutions to track contract interactions and events.
  3. Documentation Update: Update your project documentation with the deployed contract addresses and any network-specific information.

Security Considerations

  • Private Key Management: Use secure methods to manage private keys, such as hardware wallets or key management services.
  • Multisig Wallets: Consider using multisig wallets for contract ownership and management of valuable assets.
  • Gradual Rollout: For high-value contracts, consider a gradual rollout strategy to minimize potential risks.

Gas Optimization

Foundry provides tools for gas optimization:

  1. Use forge snapshot to track gas usage over time.
  2. Implement gas optimizations in your contract code.
  3. Use Foundry's gas reports to identify high-gas-usage functions:
    forge test --gas-report

By following this deployment guide, you can ensure a smooth and secure deployment process for your Meta Contract projects using Foundry.